Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Technical Aspects of Breast Enlargement – Their Significance

Since the year 1895, Breast Enlargement implants have already been widely used to bolster the size of women’s breasts. Some attempts made in the past to improve the use of Breast Enlargement implants were disastrous and put the life of patients in extreme risk. Later, practitioners experimented on the use of some materials for this purpose such as Teflon-silicon prostheses, polyester silastic rubber, dicora, ivory and many others.

The main usage of Breast Enlargement includes the replacement of tissues afflicted with cancer and those which did not develop due to heredity or growth deficiency. Another use is to reconstruct the original augmentation surgery that failed in its attempt to achieve Breast Enlargement results. It also covers retrieval and reformation for failed reconstruction process on tissues removed due to diseases.

Patients who normally have Breast Enlargement session are middle-aged ladies belonging to the higher class of society, robust and usually, married. These are the kinds of women who have considered their chest appearance as an ordeal and have endured ridicule from people for long years. Some wanted to win the attention and affection of their mates while others desire to regain the love and sexual appeal from their husbands after a series of pregnancy.

The Breast Enlargement surgical operation takes an estimated 2 hours without much pain due to application of anesthesia. Breast Enlargement implants are performed in various incision categories such as inframammary, periareolar, transaxillary, transumbilical and transabdominoplasty. Under the inframammary, the incision is made underneath the breast while in periareolar, the incision is located on the areolar border and this produces less visible scars on the breasts.

In transaxillary, the incision is in the armpit and there is no transparent scars left on the breasts. The less popular incision type is the transumbilical which is placed in the navel and does not create visible scars at all but the procedure is more complicated. The transabdominoplasty places the incision from the abdomen toward cut pockets simultaneous with abdominoplasty procedure.

Breast Enlargement implants cannot permanently remain in the chest. At some point in time, the synthetic devices inserted in the body will break causing rupture or leakage. Then, they will deflate easily and become removable. When this happens, it can cause damage to the breast tissues leading to systemic diseases. The FDA recommended that patients who have undergone Breast Enlargement implant must render a yearly chest physical check-up to monitor any rupture in the tissues.

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