Wednesday, April 8, 2009

How to get big and filled Breasts?

Filled and tight breasts have always been a pride booster for women. Whether it is because they get a complete look and attract the opposite sex, or they look productive, firm breasts have always given women the extra confidence they needed. Though, nature hs not bestowed equal hormones among all women, so some women have to be happy with whatever they have or use extra padding in their inner wears, which is easily detectable with a hug or touch or when making love. Sometimes, women may even resort to take the help of age old natural or herbal products such as breast massage oil or even a proper healthy diet with supplements. Some of the herbal products have worked wonders for women though the results may not be same for everyone.

There are artificial ways of achieving breast enhancement by cosmetic surgery, though many, due to the pain and complications involved do not prefer it. It may immediately give a bloated look and inspire celebrities from the fashion and glamour world to resort to this short cut method to achieve a complete look. However, all surgeries have associated side effects with it and can even lead to cancer.

In these cases, breast enhancement medicines seem to the best option, which is not only quick, safe and painless, but comes with minimal side effects. However, before one starts using it, one should carefully check with the medicine counter the benefits and adversities of using it, since all natural medicines do not work the same way for everyone, and it is always advisable to get to the root cause of the problem, if you are crazy about a complete womanly look.

The lifestyle and the eating habits of the user also have an effect on the working of these breast enlargement pills. Most manufacturers will not tell the taker that they need to be on a certain dietary regimen while taking breast enlargement pills. It is advisable to cut the intake of carbohydrates and increase the intake of proteins while one is taking these pills, for the purpose of breast enlargement. Proteins promote the growth of breast tissue and thus indirectly help in augmentation. Also a certain amount of fat should be included in diet, since we must not forget, that most parts of the breast are made up of fatty tissues. One should try to stay away from coffee, alcohol or any artificial boosters or steroids as these may disturb the action of breast enlargement pills on the body. Best results can be obtained by using a massage oil parallel with a natural breast enhancement pill.

The Process of Breast Massage

The most effective, natural and old method that women over the ages have been using for breast enlargement is breast massage. Not only is this easy, but also inexpensive, and also devoid of any side effects. Those of you who would think twice before going under the knife, breast massage is the ideal way of breast enlargement.

Before we move into the process of breast massage, let us know what breasts are made up of. Tissues along with adipose fat are the main constituents of female mammary glands. Massage helps in toning these and thereby promotes the growth of breasts, making them full, firm and pliant, just the way you would want them to be. Additionally, an effective massage can solve the problem of sagging up to a large extent, and also help to flush out toxins from the lymphatic system within the breast tissues.

Now let us go into the procedure of breast massage. It is a very simple process to massage breasts. In fact you can do it yourself, in the privacy of your home. All you require is some good cream or growth serum, and some time in your hands. So now you know, it is not only an easy process, but also brief and inexpensive.

Here are the steps to an effective breast massage:

Start from the nipple area and slowly proceed downwards, using the entire length of your fingers. Be careful not to apply a lot of pressure. You need to press down moderately.

Avoid taking away your hands too soon. Make the touch soothing and lingering. It will enhance the effect of your massage.

After you are done with the above step, cup a breast in your palm and press in a kneading motion. You may use both hands to hold a breast, to get a better grip. In this case also, keep the pressure to a moderate level only. Do not overdo the thing. Also do not hurry; take one breast at a time.

Now, cup each breast again as you had done in the earlier step. But, instead of applying a kneading force, move the breast within your hand in a circular motion. Do it both clockwise and anti-clockwise. You have to repeat this up to ten times for each breast. This kind of a massage will impart a well-rounded shape to your breasts.

Breast Enlargement Herbs

Since olden days, women have used herbs to get fuller, bigger breasts. Harem girls from Asia and Middle East are known to have used exotic herbs to the fullest, in order to get buxom bodies. Phyto-estrogens are now a rage among women, but we should know that this is not a new concept. Herbs like Fenugreek and Saw Palmetto have been greatly effective in breast enhancement and overall breast health. Not only that, but these are also known to ward away diseases like breast cancer. Little do we know about these herbs, but it is not surprising that our past generations had sexier and healthier breasts than we do. However, it is to be noted that a proper hormonal balance can be achieved only with sound mental health. Any kind of sexual abuse or distress is known to interrupt the normal hormonal balance particularly during growing years.

Fenugreek is greatly helpful in relieving menopausal stress and pain. It was taken by women in order to enhance breast size and increase the production of milk in suckling mothers. In old folk medicine it is also known as an agent, which promotes healthy menstruation in reproductive women.

Another popular herb is Saw Palmetto, which was originally used for enlarging prostrate gland in men. Dating back to Pre-Mayans times, it is an herb that has been used for treating impotence in men and for treating breast disorders in women. The phyto-nutrients in Saw Palmetto helps in breast enlargement to a great extent.

Another little known herbal ingredient is Wild Yam. It has been largely used to ease out pre-menstrual and menopausal symptoms in women. Women in Asian countries are known to eat it in form of capsules or tea or juice for the purpose of breast enlargement. The fun is that it can be even powdered and mixed with emollients or oils that can be in turn used for massaging the breasts or even the vagina. Like Saw Palmetto, the phyto-estrogens are a sure shot ingredient of breast enhancement and overall female reproductive health.

Other breast enhancement herbs are Fennel and Soy. Our grannies would have used Fennel seeds in order to increase milk production in young mothers. It is a great source of natural estrogens, after Fenugreek and Soybeans. Estrogenic nutrients in Soy and Fennel help greatly in enlarging breast tissue. Fennel paste can be massaged onto the breasts directly, to get good results.

Breast Enlargement Exercise

There are a hundred theories supporting the fact that men are naturally attracted towards bigger breasts. Call it a curse or a blessing for womankind, but anyone with a normal dose of androgen in his body loves breasts. The bigger they are, perhaps the better. Now it is great news for the amply endowed woman, but not for the petite counterpart.

The good thing is that the concept of breast enlargement is there for us. Those of us, who are ready to go under the knife, have the option of doing so. But, it is expensive, painful and not free from risk. Breast enlargement creams are also easily available on the Internet or at the drugstores. However these are made up of herbal constituents, which are not equally effective on everyone.

Compared to these methods, there is one that is healthier, easier and cheaper. Also it is time-tested and effective for most body types. I am talking about breast enlargement exercise. I am not claiming that it will give you a DD cup overnight, as a surgery would do. But, if you are not the ‘risk-taking’ type, this is the best for you.

Listed below are some simple exercises, which can be done inside the privacy of your own room. You can easily pick them up and they are effective too. The added advantage is that it will give you stronger muscles, better blood circulation and an overall healthier body. This will in turn help you feel younger and more confident.

1.Hold your forearms at the level of your shoulders and then tug an outward pull, while holding on to it. Do this at least ten times. This is called the forearm grip.

2.This is called Finger Lock. You have to curl your fingers inside and hold them locked at your shoulder level. You should hold steadily like this for five seconds. Best results can be achieved if this is repeated ten times.

3.Do push ups while lying in an inverted position, supported on your chest. Now bend your knees. Hold the knees up in across, at the ankles.

4.Balance your body on your palms and knees, while holding your arms in a straight fashion. Pull you chin a little inwards, facing your chest, while you look down at the floor. Now breathe in and hold your stomach inwards tightly.

5.Hold your palms together and press them against your breasts. Hold like this for at least five seconds. Now let go, relax and do this ten times.

How to Get Those DD Cups

Most women are after getting DD cups overnight and Internet businesses are making the most of this. Ad pitches are all over the place where there is a question of breast enlargement. Now most of us would want to know whether these breast enhancement products that make those sky-high promises really do what they say. And if not, then are there any other natural ways to get that desired cup size?

Breasts grow mainly in the time of adolescence. It is always good to begin early, however even if your breasts have stopped growing, an easy way to trigger their growth again is by taking hormone supplements, which have phyto-estrogens or plant estrogens. Estrogen is the primary female hormone that promotes the growth of breasts. Now plant estrogens work a little slowly but steadily. Best results can be achieved, if you team your supplement with a massage cream.

Phyto estrogens work as the natural estrogens in a woman’s body. Now the question arises whether there are any side effects in taking these pills. Plant estrogens are mild and can be considered fairly safe. However, prolonged use may make your body immune to them. Interestingly, women who have successfully met their breast enlargement goals have coupled exercise and a healthy diet with their breast enlargement pills. Also, studies suggest that patience is the watchword for people taking these pills, because they are often slow in action. One has to take them diligently, while maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Remember, good things do not come easy, so you have to wait.

In depth studies show that most women have had no side effects. A few of them complained about weight gain and laziness. Some women also said they bled more than usual during their menstruation cycles, while on the pill. However these are not established facts, and can be the outcome of many a womanly problem.

The best way to go about your breast enlargement agenda is to check up the ingredients of your pills thoroughly. While mild supplements are not likely to cause side effects, high hormonal shots can definitely be harmful to your body. It is wise to consult your doctor, before you go on any kind of breast enhancement medication. Talk to people who have used similar stuff. You can read about the ingredients on the Internet to understand what they are and how they work. It would not be long before you make heads turn.

About the Breast Enlargement Pill

Women want to look great. It is an important priority for almost all women. And the most controversial yet talked about ingredient of a great body is great boobs. Some of us would not want to agree, but if I am not gravely wrong, most women want bigger breasts. And why not? Big, round, firm breasts impart great beauty to a woman’s body. Those fitted tees would look horrendous on a flat chest. And if breast enlargement pills were not there, many women would live without hope…and what would life be like without hope?

Well, lets talk about things that are more real than fake boobs. Studies show an increasing number of women are resorting to various ways of breast enhancement. Now we all know that surgery can be expensive, dangerous and tedious. A huge share of the so-called breast-enlarging crowd flocks to the Internet for some steady solution. And you guessed it right. They find pages of search results about the ‘pill’. Now this magic pill promises to give great-looking and great-sized breasts to one and all. Naturally, all of us would want to know what’s in them, before we choose to take them.

But really, you would ask? Some women are so desperate to get bigger breast, they would place their order with the first website they visit. Sad, but true. Shopping on the Internet is the domain of the weaker sex, and they exhibit a weird weakness for all breast enlargement products. However one should know the constitution of the pill, before taking it.

The common selling point of all breast enlargement point is the fact that they are herbal. All websites portray green foliage on their homepage, claiming that the breast enlargement pill they are selling is made up of some exotic herbs, specially handpicked from the deepest jungle of Asia, which only grow in humid summers and can turn flat chests into a DD cup in 15 days flat!

Well, now women need to look beyond these tall claims. Even though there are breast enlargement products that are really made from natural ingredients, their effectiveness varies from person to person. What may show results for one may be inert for another. These are mostly made up of plant estrogens that trigger the growth of femininity in the body. But plant estrogens are for plants not humans, so chances are they will work really slowly and one has to be patient. In case a breast enlargement product shows amazing results, it may contain strong, artificial hormone shots, which may tamper one’s own hormonal balance. It is not safe to take these kind f pills, without consulting a doctor.

The Safe Alternative for Breast Enhancement

There have been a number of reported claims where women have claimed that their breast sizes have been enhanced by natural herbs. Not only have their breast sizes increased, it has increased by almost two complete cup sizes. Breast enhancement by this method is a safe bet than going under the knife and effective as well. It is best to avoid supplements which are either carbonated or have caffeine mixed with them.

Most women are not happy with their breast size. Women with small breasts want bigger and enhanced breasts and women with big breasts often wish they were a little small in size which would ease them of unwanted attention. Surgery is the most effective and majority option though herbal breast enlargement has its own safety and cost advantages with almost similar effect as surgery.

Herbal breast enhancers are made from a variety of natural herbs. All are in different forms. Some come in the form of pills, some are creams or liquids and even sprays are used. The enhancer is applied on the breast and a proper effective message for a given period of time and you get the desired figure, these shapely breasts you had always wanted. Different mixtures and combinations of herbs are used for different actions.

It is very unnatural that breasts will immediately respond to such enhancers in a few weeks or month and visible results will be shown. This requires much patience and some results start from 6 months and can go up to 12 months before any results show. It depends on each individual, regularity of usage, effectiveness of massage, physical exercise, and eating habits besides the quality of the enhancer. However, it can be said with certainty that herbal breast enhancers will not result in any negative side effect even if there is no positive effect. It is not possible, that one single product will produce positive result in everyone. Each body is different and reacts differently to chemicals.

With this natural breast enhancement, the women feels a gradual growth in her confidence since her breasts grow naturally and each morning when she stares at the mirror she gets a higher self esteem. Some husbands love rubbing and massaging herbal creams on their wives breasts because not only they enjoy doing it, they have their wifes persuasion to do it and in turn they are only benefited when they will get to fondle soft and bigger newly grown cup sized breasts.

The Technical Aspects of Breast Enlargement – Their Significance

Since the year 1895, Breast Enlargement implants have already been widely used to bolster the size of women’s breasts. Some attempts made in the past to improve the use of Breast Enlargement implants were disastrous and put the life of patients in extreme risk. Later, practitioners experimented on the use of some materials for this purpose such as Teflon-silicon prostheses, polyester silastic rubber, dicora, ivory and many others.

The main usage of Breast Enlargement includes the replacement of tissues afflicted with cancer and those which did not develop due to heredity or growth deficiency. Another use is to reconstruct the original augmentation surgery that failed in its attempt to achieve Breast Enlargement results. It also covers retrieval and reformation for failed reconstruction process on tissues removed due to diseases.

Patients who normally have Breast Enlargement session are middle-aged ladies belonging to the higher class of society, robust and usually, married. These are the kinds of women who have considered their chest appearance as an ordeal and have endured ridicule from people for long years. Some wanted to win the attention and affection of their mates while others desire to regain the love and sexual appeal from their husbands after a series of pregnancy.

The Breast Enlargement surgical operation takes an estimated 2 hours without much pain due to application of anesthesia. Breast Enlargement implants are performed in various incision categories such as inframammary, periareolar, transaxillary, transumbilical and transabdominoplasty. Under the inframammary, the incision is made underneath the breast while in periareolar, the incision is located on the areolar border and this produces less visible scars on the breasts.

In transaxillary, the incision is in the armpit and there is no transparent scars left on the breasts. The less popular incision type is the transumbilical which is placed in the navel and does not create visible scars at all but the procedure is more complicated. The transabdominoplasty places the incision from the abdomen toward cut pockets simultaneous with abdominoplasty procedure.

Breast Enlargement implants cannot permanently remain in the chest. At some point in time, the synthetic devices inserted in the body will break causing rupture or leakage. Then, they will deflate easily and become removable. When this happens, it can cause damage to the breast tissues leading to systemic diseases. The FDA recommended that patients who have undergone Breast Enlargement implant must render a yearly chest physical check-up to monitor any rupture in the tissues.

Breast Enhancement Pills – A Milestone in Bust Augmentation

During the early stage of breast surgery when the Breast Enhancement pills were not yet introduced, many women were longing to experience cosmetic surgery to look great and display a body figure that most men are dying for. Women’s breasts are universal norm for beauty and sexual attraction to men. They form a major part in the physical appearance of women as far as glamour, love, self-confidence and sexual activities are concerned. Yet, not everybody is willing to lie in the operating table which has no guarantee from any risk. They needed a natural way to solve their problem and that is the Breast Enhancement pills.

A woman who is not gifted with firm and sculptured breasts feels no right to wear a bikini in beauty contests or wear a swimsuit in a beach resort. She cannot enjoy participating in social functions wearing a gown with loose bust-line. She hopes for something that she can adopt which is safe and will not drain her purse because she has heard many feedbacks against surgery; something like the Breast Enhancement pills.

A lot of women are not endowed with beautiful breasts and because of this, they become shy and paranoid of social gatherings which would require an exposure of their body figure. They would prefer to shy away from people and social gatherings. Those were the days when no options like the Breast Enhancement pills were available in place of a dangerous and expensive breast surgery.

Today, the wide availability of Breast Enhancement pills in the market is a milestone in breast augmentation. These pills can be bought over-the-counter without the necessity of presenting a doctor’s prescription. The price is within your reach and they are available anywhere. These Breast Enhancement pills are safe to use without after effects in any given time because they are naturally made with herbal ingredients.

Breast Enhancement pills are guaranteed to give you a good result with proper application and constant usage. They are the best alternative to breast enhancement surgery and even to synthetic options like push-up bras and padded bras which do not enhance the breast tissues and even cause suffocation and retardation of breasts cells.

With the use of Breast Enhancement pills, you will surely appreciate the beauty of the world in a cheerful manner. You will regain your self-confidence and be more comfortable with your looks. The Breast Enhancement pills will open a new world for you; a world of happiness and satisfaction.

Breast Enlargement Procedure – The Importance of

Many women undergo a Breast Enlargement cosmetic surgery without any knowledge on how the procedure is done. They simply rely on advertisements, promotions and hearsay from friends who have undergone a Breast Enlargement operation without a bit of information on how it works and what are the after effects. Some are confined on the appearance of the patient in post surgery as basis for being convinced to enlist as the next patient.

Breast Enlargement is not a minor operation that does not need your concern and full attention. It is not a simple dental extraction that after the session, you simply walk out and enjoy the comfort of decayed tooth extraction. The Breast Enlargement is a major surgery that has to be performed with great care and meticulous awareness.

On your part, you must have a thorough knowledge of how it is being done before you finally decide to enter into a surgical contract. Search from websites regarding the reliability of altering your natural system and the effects of breast implants. Investigate the background and reputation of the plastic surgeon that you intend to hire as far as his records of success in Breast Enlargement operations is concerned.

Know how long he has been in this field as a medical practitioner. This will enable you to think twice and come up with a more credible decision whether to push thru or not. To give you some highlights on the Breast Enlargement aspect, you must first be aware that the FDA has issued warnings concerning the vulnerability of patients who undergo Breast Enlargement implant to systemic illness such as cancer, the worst result of complications.

Implants are never safe permanently; they always go with risk factors such as diseases covering neurological and rheumatological concerns. Researches have traced the ultimate solution to immediate removal of their implants for comfort and recovery from pain and uneasiness. The types of Breast Enlargement procedure include the implant pocket placement, implant material and the incision type.

Under the implant pocket placement category, polypropylene is used to lift and augment the breasts. This type absorbs the fluid in the breast area causing the tissues to bloat resulting to huge sizes of the breasts. This is commonly used by celebrities. The implant material type uses saline implants which are surgically installed thru small cuts in the tissues. The incision type involves placing of silicone gel implant under the breast.

The most commonly preferred by patients is the Breast Enlargement incision type of implant due to less visible scars it leaves in the breasts.